My Miracle
One of the most rewarding experiences of motherhood is breastfeeding my daughter, and watching her thrive on what only I can give her. When I nurse her, I can feel my heart swell for her. When I breastfeed my daughter, I feel like the most special person in the whole wide world. I feel a peace, close to the same peace I felt when I used to curl up with my Mommy when I was little. I can't even imagine feeding her a powder from a can when I have everything she needs within me. A friend of mine were talking about breastfeeding. She asked aloud why so many mothers are able to breastfeed, but choose against it. I told her that breastfeeding is a mother's commitment to her child, and not all mother's are ready and willing for that kind of commitment.
And then I told her that it's a good and bad thing that formula is readily available. It's bad because many families fall back on it, and its such a loss too! Women need to believe in themselves! It's a super ability! But its great at the same time, for adopting parents, mother's with AIDS. If formula wasn't available and affordable for them, things would be pretty bad.
Our society just needs to bring back wet nurses!
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